Flower Season is here!! Some variety of flowers are already showing wonderful growth and color.

Of course, riding an e-bike is a great way to view color and beauty of the valley during this event.

Here is the link to the most recent flower map via ABDNHA.

If you ride a bicycle or and e-bike, there are a few items for bikers to please follow.
a. Always wear a helmet and any neccesary protective equipment.
b. The town and roads will be busy. Follow all traffic rules and be courteous to traffic as you ride.
c. Plan and prepare for your ride. ALWAYS carry drinking water with you.

d. Please do not ride your bike:
1. On private property whether it is posted or not.
2. On virgin desert. Please ride only on undeveloped roads and approved paths. Not only do you damage delicate plants and animals, but pods of “goat horn” thorns, also known as Puncture Thorn await your bike tires.
Each desert plant can produce 500 – 2000 of these thorn pods, just waiting to ruin your ride AND VIEWING PLEASURE. AND – we have had a bump crop of Puncture Vine with the seasonal rain this year. INFO ABOUT Puncture Vine